Friday, July 20, 2012

Choco Mucho: Cookies 'n Cream

    "--Choco Mucho has been producing a set of variety of their own version of crunchy chocolate bars, and this new variation is something to really try."

    Unlike other variations of Choco Mucho, Cookies 'n Cream has a sweetness that you can really enjoy. It's not too sweet, yet not too subtle to be gentle. At first I was scared of trying it, some of Choco Mucho's variations tends to flip out all of my taste buds due to the intense sweetness after having a bite of full break of caramel and chocolate together. Though, the new Choco Mucho Cookies 'n Cream has alike taste of the common creamy all time favorite ice cream flavor of cookies cream, as its product description promised, which makes it really satisfying. White chocolate coating goes along with the chocolate crispies inside that gives the crunch and twist in the variation. The caramel is not overpowering this time, rather complements the bar and almost unnoticeable in your every.

    Its packaging is quite too close to Choco Mucho Dark Chocolate though, so if it's to be in market in line with such product side by side, it can be mistaken the same from afar. Color is both dark thus a lil' off to attracting those looking for new-cool things. In my own experience, seeing it in a sari-sari store, I almost missed seeing it as a new thing for the set. Good thing I saw the product description "Cookies 'n Cream" and the side illustration of the actual product itself, that made me curious.

    It's nice that Choco Mucho is expanding its line through playing with available flavors that many people love. Chocolate bars can be flexible if handled well. Just like how goes with sundaes and cakes, flavors pile up like "everyday-means-a-new flavor-for us". The good thing that comes along with it is that it's chocolate, thus it's stuffy, if you ever got hungry you simply grab a bite and chill yourself with the kicking choco'.